Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!

back row L-R: Sydney, Peyton, Bailey, Anne, Dallin front row L-R: Paige, Carter, Rachel, Emily (she was sick) and Julia
As I went through these pictures trying to find the "perfect" one... I realized they were all perfect! For Scott and I our greatest blessings whether looking at the camera, smiling or hiding behind someone (no bunny ears, thank goodness) are in this photo. The crazy ones (Scott and I) are standing on the van trying to get the attention of 10 kids 3-14 in the attempt of a Christmas card. This is the design I came up with and now I shall cheat and send it electronically!
Gotta love technology :)
This year has definitely given us pause to "count our many blessings" and while it may not seem to others we have much, we have a lot of love and generosity of heart in our home. We are so grateful for this Season which gives us all a reminder of what we should be thankful for everyday. The birth of our Savior Jesus Christ and the Greatest Gift of all, which he gave to us Eternal Life. This is something we hold very close and dear, yes better than that super soft sweater, Anne ;) or a Glee Sing IT! game, the fun Dora book that sings and sings and sings! We are so blessed and we have had so many angels watching over us this year.
Scott and I are coming up on our FIRST wedding anniversary in March! We are so blessed to have found one another and to have our children in our lives.
Scott is the best Fedex man out there and works hard for our family, I am so grateful for him and all that he does, the dishes especially ;)
My job search is ongoing, any leads send them my way... I can do anything! Being here with the kids has been a blessing. We would have missed out on extended time with them if I had been working. The Lord works in mysterious ways. 2011 will bring many more great experiences to help us learn and grow. KIDS, KIDS, KIDS... yes we have alot of them and love them to pieces.
Ten to be exact!
Bailey is our oldest, she is 14 and is in the Symphonic Orchestra at her school (9th grade) and is doing very well with her viola. No surprise she continues to get A's and her favorite subject is seminary... yeah Bailey! She is currently deciding between the professions of seminary teacher and doctor, we'll see how things pan out.
Dallin is our newest teenager, turned 13 on December 16th. He got alot of cash for his birthday and could not wait to put it all down on an arsenal of Nerf Guns and 24 pack of Mt. Dew... what can I say he is 13? He is in choir, taking French, and seems to be surrounded by the ladies at lunch (or so I am told)
Anne is our first of 2 11 year olds... She just got a phone and is having fun getting to know it. She especially likes making videos! (I didn't get my first phone until I was 24 and forget about taking videos with it!) She really enjoys reading, and is usually the last one up at night with a book in hand. She has a great imagination and is a huge help with her 4 younger sisters.
Peyton is 2 months younger than Anne, so this year we will have 2 twelve year olds, man alive! Peyton has been taking ballroom and piano lessons. She had her first performance and recital here at Christmas time and she has some great talent. And she is a beautiful (takes after mom;) smart young woman.
Rachel is our 10 year old, she has just turned in her long golden locks for a shorter (more manageable) haircut... stay posted for pictures, she is a knockout and TEN! She is super smart, she loves a challenge and gets things most 15 year olds wouldn't understand. We try to stay one step ahead of her, she is fast! Of course she loves the computer, the wii and reading.
Sydney turned 9 in July... we had fireworks for the occasion (it was over 24th of July holiday) add that to the list of things I love about Utah! She has been doing piano and ballroom as well. Their performance was so proper, I felt like I was on the set of Dancing with the Stars! And the beautiful grand pianos they played on, what a treat. Sydney is in 4th grade and is super happy and loving... all the kids are, we love to have them here! We get paid in hugs and kisses, BEST currency out there!
Emily is our 8 year old and she got baptized in September, which is truly exciting! It was a special moment to see Emily and her Dad participate in such a special moment. Emily is always reading and trying to keep up on the latest and greatest. She is playing "Mall World" right now, creating fashions for friends. I dressed up Barbies, AT friends houses because Barbies were too sexy, so never had one! Emily is very competitive, and being the middle child is always competing up and down. She is a sweet girl and loves to cuddle.
My baby boy Carter started Kindergarten this year, sniff...sob! (not really, he was so ready and excited to go) He is such a BOY! He wants to play all the sword fight games, Nerf guns, Star Wars, build with Legos, SNOWBALL fights and he is a tease! Then there are those moments when he snuggles next to me, sigh... my baby boy! He is a whiz on the computer and the wii, and he is excelling in his school work as well.
Julia is our newest 5 year old (her birthday is in the awesome month of October) she has been going to PreSchool this year and will go to Kinder next Fall. She is brilliant within weeks she can identify letters, numbers, sounds and sings up a storm. She will make an excellent addition to any Kindergarten, and that teacher will instantly have a new best friend.
Paige is the youngest... she will be four in a few weeks! She is super full of all kinds of energy. She keeps us all going, hugging, loving and laughing. It is truly contagious, she draws you in with her beautiful blues and she is all yours. She loves her new Dora singing books and always wants to be read to. She is such a sweetheart.
All the children have molded into a family so well, they enjoy the times when we all get together.
They first met for breakfast at McDonalds, I don't think that place will ever be the same! We were all able to go to California in June (with a 3 day unplanned layover in Cedar City) We got to see family and friends, Mickey Mouse and the Beach. It felt good to be home for a bit. We were all together again for the 24th of July (we rented a 12 passenger van) and enjoyed swimming, BBQ and fireworks. We had a great snowball fight a few weeks ago and played pelt Dad with the snowballs! And then they played, "how cold are my hands?" They are silly things but they bring us together. This is US, the family that Scott and I have brought together. I am so grateful that someone else is in charge and we were able to find each other.
I remember when I was a kid and every Christmas we got this news pamphlet from some family friends. We would pass it around and read all about what they had going on in their lives, a memory I will never forget. Pamphlets are expensive to publish and a click on a blog is FREE! I hope that all our family and friends have had a very Happy Christmas, have had time to reflect on the true meaning... He who was born, to save us all! And from Scott and Michelle's Clan a wish for a very Merry 2011~ CHEERS!
Scott, Michelle, Bailey, Dallin, Anne, Peyton, Rachel, Sydney, Emily, Carter, Julia and Paige :)


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